The 2023-2024 YBTC Challenge is now open for Registration.
You Be The YBTC Challenge® is a collaborative, multilevel academic competition that celebrates the science of chemistry and elevates STEM careers. 5th-8th grade students are eligible to compete in teams of four. Learn more about YBTC Challenge here: "You Be The Chemist Challenge"
- ExScitonis conducting a qualifying test and the top scorers will be selected to form teams to participate in the YBTC competition. Top scorers will also be awarded Amazon Gift cards.
- Qualifying test will be held online on September 26th 2:00-2:45 PM EST.
- Selected students from the Qualifying test will be attending instructor led virtual sessions where they will be trained on the topics covering YBTC curriculum and prepared for the competition. For a list of topics covered under YBTC please visit the link YBTC Challenge Curriculum
- Competition preparation classes for qualifying students will be held Mid October thru Mid-March every Monday 6:00-7:30 PM EST.
- Details of the class dates will be communicated to the qualifying students later.