Participate in workshops for qualifying test for USAPho (USA Physics Olympiad)
F=Ma test is the qualifying test leading to USAPho. The test is held in 3rd and 4th week of January and aproximately 400 students nationally from the F=ma exams to move on to the USAPhO exam. The two F=ma exams will have different cutoffs for USAPhO qualification, adjusted for the difficulty of each exam. Students who take both F=ma exams will qualify for USAPhO if either of their F=ma results meet the respective cutoff.
The competition is open to Middle and High School student and average cutoff score is 15/16 out of 25 questions.
For more information about the F=Ma test please click here.
- ExScitonis conducting weekly workshops preparing students for the F=Ma test to be held in January 2021 Workshops will run from October thru January teaching the following concepts. Calculus is not necessary and F=ma exam doesn't give any problem involving calculus. All classes are on Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 PM EST, 12 Sessions of 90 minutes
- Workshops will run from October thru January teaching the following concepts. Calculus is not necessary and F=ma exam doesn't give any problem involving calculus.
- All classes are on Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 PM EST, 12 Sessions of 90 minutes

Students will take the actual test in January in our official testing center in Acton, MA